chargement des résultats


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  • Compilation d'exercices d'UXR demandés en entretien.
    Hello à tous, j'aimerais vous partager quelques exercices que j'ai eu à réaliser dans ma carrière lors de processus d'embauche. En espérant que d'autres fasse de même et que cela puisse servir. Le plus récent: Web 3 "Hi Alexis, We are excited to invite you to our task stage which involves a take home task which you will be presenting in front of the team. The call will take 1 hr, please try and aim for 15-25 mins of presenting and the rest QnA Please find the task bellow :) “ Context: NFTs used to be the darlings of the crypto community with BAYC, MAYC, Crypto Punks and many others commanding crazy high valuations and massive followings. Recently the mood and attitude has shifted. 1.What would your UX Research strategy be to answer the question of what is happening with NFTs right now and what drives this change? 2.Are attitudes significantly different between crypto-natives and crypto-curious audiences? 3.What would be your recommendations to the Sweat Wallet app team on the basis of (hypothetical) insights collected?
    Format of presentation: Whatever you think is most appropriate to convey your information **Consideration: Please spend no more than 2-4 hours on this ** Pour un publisher de science Your tasks:  We would like you to go to our public pages (nom enlevé)have a look at the website and then please prepare two items for us: A Management Summary "UX Review": Please look at the pages with your expert knowledge and write in a few sentences (or 1 to 3 slides) a short assessment of the page. From your perspective as a UX and UCD expert:  What concerns do you have? What is brilliant/good and what needs improvement?  What next steps would you recommend? Problem description and solution: Please choose ONE single (UX) problem of these pages. Explain the problem to us in detail and then please show us how the problem can be solved. The more concrete, the better (hint: prototype or visualisation). In addition to that, we would like you to compile a sketch of a project plan: Traditionally, researchers who act as reviewers in our peer-review process on submitted papers do not receive financial compensation. Recently, the idea has emerged to change this: Specifically, to pay reviewers for each paper they review. Imagine that this topic lands on your desk as user-obsessed Product Manager / User Researcher. How would you approach this? Please prepare a sketch of a project plan to pitch to your team and manager. Please add a last slide in your presentation with two pieces of information:  Please give us feedback on this task: Did you like doing it? Why (not)? Do you think it is appropriate for the job you have applied for? Please track the time you use for this task and tell us how much time you spent on each task (hint: the more is not necessarily the better).  Pour un exchange crypto Tech Challenge 3 - App customer journey Context The community that revolves around (barré) is very diverse: the ICO members that still hold tokens have been following (Nom barré) from the beginning; the DAO members contribute with small tasks that make the ecosystem grow; the National Council is constituted by contributors that participate with ideas and initiatives. The (Nom barré) app and Crypto Challenge app users are also active in the social medias, give feedback on the public roadmap, and follow the AMAs and PowWows via youtube. (Nom barré) is currently conducting user research to find more about the User Personas, as well as the user journeys associated with them. The Challenge 1) Make an hypothesis about what a customer journey of a “Novice User” landing on the (Nom barré) app could look like. Novice users are defined by no expertise in crypto and low investment expertise. 2) Describe what research methodology you would adopt to find out the real customer journey of these users. 3) You can define assumptions and make hypotheses based on them.
    Final questions 1. (Nom barré) being in the fintech field faces the research challenge of the difficulty to do first hand qualitative observations on how users navigate the app. How would you overcome this challenge? 2. How does the (Nom barré) fit into the (Nom barré) ecosystem, and what are the current utilities of the token? Expectations ● You can select the best format/support for your answers ● If you use visuals, mention what program you used to create them ● When you mention research methods, name also the tools you would use.
    • merci! Utile
    • Pas utile
    • Pas sûr
  • Solving Product Design Exercises: Questions & Answers
    • merci! Utile
    • Pas utile
    • Pas sûr


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      Management UX

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    • Intelligence artificielle
      Intelligence artificielle

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